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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Efficiency and Progress V: Recap and Best Code so Far

;; Efficiency and Progress V:

;; Recap

;; This is slow:
(time (reduce + (map + (range 1000000) (range 1000000))))

;; C can perform roughly equivalent task in 8.6 ms, and Java in around 16 ms

;; So do we have to drop into C or Java when we want to make algorithms fast?
;; I hope not! 


;; I'm starting clojure like this, so that I know it's running as fast as it can
;; rlwrap java -server -classpath ~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.5.1/clojure-1.5.1.jar:. clojure.main

(clojure-version) ;-> "1.5.1"
((into{} (System/getProperties)) "java.version") ;-> "1.7.0_25"
((into{} (System/getProperties)) "") ;-> "OpenJDK Server VM"
((into{} (System/getProperties)) "") ;-> "HotSpot Tiered Compilers"


;; Repeated runs through this little benchmark now show 
;; Hotspot doing its thing and speeding up the calculation
(time (reduce + (map + (range 1000000) (range 1000000))))
"Elapsed time: 2852.570643 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 2756.410014 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 1907.089513 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 1872.189534 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 1870.054495 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 1907.627285 msecs"

;; Setting these two variables is a good thing when trying to achieve C/Java like speeds
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(set! *unchecked-math* true)

;; And doesn't seem to make any difference to this code
(time (reduce + (map + (range 1000000) (range 1000000))))
"Elapsed time: 1883.237194 msecs"

;; So I think it's safe to conclude that Clojure written idiomatically
;; is around 100x slower than Java And around 200x slower than C


;; I have a little microbenchmark written in C which represents the
;; sort of things I am trying to do by adding length 1000000 vectors
;; and then adding up all the numbers in the vectors repeatedly.

;; Appropriately compiled, it runs in 8.6 seconds

;; Approximately the same program, translated into Java, runs in
;; around 16 seconds with java7 -server


;; In idiomatic Clojure I reckon this program would take about 1600
;; seconds, or about half an hour. And that's actually reflective of
;; the difference between C and Clojure that I've observed while
;; trying to write algorithms code as part of the Coursera/Stanford
;; Algorithms II class (which I very highly recommend!)

;; My best shot in non-idiomatic Clojure in the last post was:

(def N 1000000)
(def a (int-array (range N)))
(def b (int-array N))

 (let [a ^ints a b ^ints b N ^int N]
   (loop [count 0 sum 0]
     (if (= count 1000) sum
           (println count sum)
           (dotimes [i N] (aset b i (+ (aget a i)(aget b i))))
           (recur (inc count) (+ sum (loop [i 0 ret 0] 
                                       (if (= i N) ret
                                           (recur (unchecked-inc i) (+ ret (aget b i))))))))))))

"Elapsed time: 177181.749304 msecs"

;; Which is unreadable and still about 11x slower than Java, but gets
;; the right answer

;; I am so unused to using mutation in Clojure that I keep forgetting
;; to reset the variables and then being surprised when the answers
;; are wrong. It really screws up the REPL way of programming. No
;; wonder LISP developed the functional style that's now becoming so
;; fashionable.

;; After an awful lot of essentially random screwing around, I managed
;; to concoct another version, which uses the areduce macro instead of
;; the explicit inner loop above.
(def N 1000000)
(def a (int-array (range N)))
(def b (int-array N))

 (let [a ^ints a b ^ints b]
   (loop [count 0 sum 0]
     (if (= count 1000) sum
           (println count sum)
           (dotimes [i N] (aset b i (+ (aget a i)(aget b i))))
           (recur (inc count) (+ sum (areduce b i ret 0 (+ ret (aget b i))))))))))

"Elapsed time: 63657.893856 msecs"

;; I have no idea why this runs so much faster. A profiler would be
;; very useful here, but jvisualvm, which I used to find really useful
;; when tuning clojure, is giving me no real information and wasting
;; an awful lot of time in return. It only seems to profile at the
;; level of Java classes, and so this loop code isn't visible to it.

;; Still, down to about 4x slower than Java, maybe 7x slower than C,
;; and (I think) quite a lot more readable.

;; Various commenters have been kind enough to suggest improvements over my pitiful effort.

;; Dmitry Groshev's:

(def N 1000000)
(def a (int-array (range N)))
(def b (int-array N))

(defn test3 []
  (let [^ints a a
        ^ints b b
        N (int N)]
    (loop [count (int 0) sum (long 0)]
      (if (== count 1000) sum
            (loop [i (int 0)]
              (when (< i N)
                (aset b i (+ (aget a i) (aget b i)))
                (recur (inc i))))
            (recur (inc count)
                   (+ sum (long (loop [i (int 0) ret (long 0)]
                                  (if (== i N) ret
                                      (recur (inc i)
                                             (+ ret (aget b i)))))))))))))

(time (test3))

"Elapsed time: 45213.470027 msecs"

;; Gets down to 3x slower than Java, 5x slower than C

;; And James Reeves, by private e-mail after he couldn't comment on this blog

(defn asum [^ints xs]
  (areduce xs i s 0 (unchecked-add s (aget xs i))))

(defn amap-add [^ints xs ^ints ys]
  (dotimes [i (alength xs)]
    (aset xs i (unchecked-add (aget xs i) (aget ys i)))))

(defn test-low-level []
  (let [a (int-array 1000000)
        b (int-array 1000000)]
    (dotimes [i (alength a)]
      (aset a i i))
    (loop [count 0, sum 0]
      (amap-add b a)
      (if (< count 1000)
        (recur (unchecked-inc count) (unchecked-add sum (asum b)))

(time (test-low-level))
"Elapsed time: 46496.528226 msecs"

;; Has managed to get down to the same speed, whilst splitting the
;; inner loops off into nice little functions!

;; I think this version wins hands down for general comprehensibility.

;; So well done James, this is this blog's collective best shot at
;; this problem so far.

;; We're down to 3x slower than Java, 5x slower than C, and readable
;; if not quite as readable as it would be in a language designed for
;; imperative loops over arrays.

;; If I can learn to produce code like this reliably and without too
;; much buggering about, then I may be able to stay in Clojure for the
;; tight loops parts of my algorithms code. A factor of 5 I can
;; tolerate for the convenience of doing everything else in Clojure.

;; As Dmitry pointed out, it may be possible to use macros to make a
;; little language to make this easier

;; And James shows us another possible route with functions.


;; I still don't understand why these similar looking bits of code
;; (things like areduce are only macros that write code much like the
;; explicit loops) run at such different speeds, and that worries me,
;; because that's going to translate to a lot of screwing around while
;; trying to write such things.

;; And also, why even after all this are we not as fast as Java?

;; Bernard said something about 'removing synchronization', which
;; sounds scary.

;; Another approach, of course, would be to write pure Java classes to
;; do the heavy lifting and call them from Clojure code which does the
;; pre-processing, but that sounds like a fairly nasty and fragile
;; approach itself, and I'd rather avoid doing that if I can. But it
;; should be a bit easier than using C within python, at least.

;; I should also investigate core.matrix and hiphip, two projects
;; targeted at this sort of thing.

;; If anyone knows how to use them to solve this problem, please chip in.


  1. Hi,
    My wild guess on the speed differences is :
    1. C faster than Java because it makes use of the vector instructions (SSE)
    2. Java faster than the fastest Clojure because you perform an "unusual" operation mixing int and long and this is not covered by the unchecked-add efficient implementations in Clojure so I fear that there is some cast going though a more generic / expensive path.

    1.Could be tested with a gcc -march targetting a CPU withour SSE (or a "no vectorizer" option ?)
    2. Could be tested comparing arrays of longs.



  2. There is no need to use unchecked- functions if you set *unchecked-math*.

    One of the reasons of slowness, I assume, is long/int casting.

    Regarding code writing difficulty -- it will pass quite quickly, actually. This primitive stuff is simple, despite being unwieldy.

