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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Macros and Type Hints: Metadata and the Medusa.

In my last post, there was a piece of code-generation that I couldn't do, and Meikel Brandmeyer ( ) helped me to do it in spite of how dim I was being. This was his advice.
;; Meikel's answer to my question: How to get rid of the call to int-array?

;; In my last post, I posed a question about how to get rid of a call to
;; int-array in some generated code.

;; I was using it to let the compiler know that a certain array was a Java array
;; of ints.

;; Normally, you'd do this with the type hint ^ints, but I was generating the
;; code, and couldn't make it work.

;; Meikel Brandmeyer ( ) not only answered my question,
;; but through sheer patience managed to get the answer through my skull, and so
;; I'm writing it down here as a reference for the next time I can't remember.

;; Using type hints turns out to be tricky from generated code, because
;; type hints are metadata. However once you've seen the trick it's OK.

;; Here's a model problem:

;; Some arrays of java ints:
(def thousand-ints    (int-array 1000     (range)))
(def million-ints     (int-array 1000000  (range)))
(def ten-million-ints (int-array 10000000 (range)))

;; A function that looks at them, but does nothing.
(defn do-nowt [a]
  (let [len (alength a)]
     (loop [i 0]
       (when (< i len)
         (aget a i)
         (recur (inc i))))))

;; As if the array were the Medusa, just looking turns the function to stone:
(time (do-nowt thousand-ints))
"Elapsed time: 46.054186 msecs"
; 200000 cycles/loop!!! What is it doing??

;; How to make it fast?
(defn do-nowt-quickly [^ints a]
  (let [len (alength a)]
     (loop [i (int 0)]
       (when (< i len)
         (aget a i)
         (recur (inc i))))))

(time (do-nowt-quickly thousand-ints))
"Elapsed time: 0.109981 msecs"
; 433 cycles/loop

;; How fast can HotSpot make it over a long run?
(time (do-nowt-quickly ten-million-ints))
"Elapsed time: 266.500137 msecs"
;; 115 cycles/loop

;; If the array's all zeroes, it can actually get it down to 27. What is that
;; about? Is it optimizing away *looking at the array*?  If not, what is so
;; special about zeros that you can look at them faster?


;; We need to apply the function int to the initializer for the loop variable
;; and the type-hint ^ints to the input variable. 

;; How to generate the code rather than writing it by hand?

;; One's first thought is just to take the fast function, and use it as a
;; template for syntax-quote and auto-gensyms:

(defn mek-thing-as-does-nowt-quickly[]
  `(fn[^ints a#]
     (let [len# (alength a#)]
       (loop [i# (int 0)]
         (when (< i# len#)
           (aget a# i#)
           (recur (inc i#)))))))

;; However:
#_ (eval (mek-thing-as-does-nowt-quickly))

;; Unable to resolve classname: clojure.core/ints
;;   [Thrown class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]

;; I don't know what is going on here.

;; I fear the reader and the metadata it brings.


;; The Mirror of Perseus:

(defn mek-another-thing-as-does-nowt-quickly[]
  `(fn[^"ints" a#]
     (let [len# (alength a#)]
       (loop [i# (int 0)]
         (when (< i# len#)
           (aget a# i#)
           (recur (inc i#)))))))

(let [f (eval (mek-another-thing-as-does-nowt-quickly))]
  (time (f ten-million-ints)))
"Elapsed time: 282.178954 msecs"

;; Meikel pointed out that "[I" is a synonym for "ints". I don't know why he
;; thought that was important, since they both seem to work, but that probably
;; means that there's still something going on here that I haven't understood,
;; so I mention it.


;; An Entertaining Variation:

;; Here we use a gensym for the function argument rather than an auto-gensym.
;; This allows for run-time generation of the string "ints" so we can make
;; various specialized functions for arrays of different types.

(defn mek-yet-another-thing-as-does-nowt-quickly[]
  (let [a (gensym)]
    `(fn[ ~(with-meta a {:tag "ints"}) ]
       (let [len# (alength ~a)]
         (loop [i# (int 0)]
           (when (< i# len#)
             (aget ~a i#)
             (recur (inc i#))))))))

(let [f (eval (mek-yet-another-thing-as-does-nowt-quickly))]
  (time (f ten-million-ints)))
"Elapsed time: 271.423182 msecs"


  1. The "[I" is the "official" JVM type for an int array. Similar to "[Ljava.lang.Object;" or "[Ljava.lang.String;". ints is a convenience from clojure side, like objects, doubles etc. I was not sure how and when this is translated.

    If it works: good to know. :)

  2. ;; Unable to resolve classname: clojure.core/ints
    ;; [Thrown class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]

    ;; I don't know what is going on here.

    ;; I fear the reader and the metadata it brings.

    This is caused by our dear friend syntax-quote. What happens when `conj will becomes the fully qualified symbol clojure.core/conj happens for metadata too.

    So, what does the reader do to a piece of code like `^foo bar in the namespace user?

    user=> `^foo bar

    The symbol gets qualified as expected, but what about the metadata? Let's turn on *print-meta* and see what happens:

    user=> (set! *print-meta* true)
    user=> `^foo bar
    ^user/foo user/bar

    Oh, look... The tag symbol got qualified too. How sneaky of you, Mr. syntax-quote.

    (When the only metadata is the :tag, the Clojure printer chooses the more compact ^tag-goes-here notation rather than ^{:tag tag-goes-here}. This is only syntactic sugar. These two notations represent exactly the same data.)

    So how can we put a non-qualified symbol there? Usually when you want a bare symbol inside a syntax-quoted form, you write ~'foo. (Temporarily get out of syntax quote and put what you get when you eval 'foo in the place.) Let's try do that in the metadata:

    user=> `^{:tag ~'foo} bar
    ^foo user/bar

    (It turns out you cannot write `^~'foo bar (*yech*!), since that would be equal to `^(unquote 'foo) bar, and only symbols and maps can follow ^.)

    So, this is what you would write to get that symbol there. At this point though, the ^"ints" variants feels far more compelling. :-)

