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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Putting it all together : Using Union-Find in Kruskal's Algorithm

;; Kruskal's Algorithm and Union-Find

;; So I want to try out my version of union-find on the inspiration for it, Kruskal's algorithm

;; Here's my attempt:

(defn make-union-find [elts]
  (apply hash-map (mapcat (fn[x][x [x [x]]]) elts)))

(defn joined? [union-find a b]
  (= (first (union-find a)) (first (union-find b))))

(defn join [union-find a b]
  (let [[leader-a _] (union-find a)
        [leader-b _] (union-find b)]
    (if (= leader-a leader-b) 
      union-find ;; nothing to do
      (let [[_ followers-a] (union-find leader-a)
            [_ followers-b] (union-find leader-b)]
        (if (>= (count followers-a) (count followers-b))  ;; if a's in the bigger group
          (let [new-followers (into followers-a followers-b)] ;; combine follower-lists
            (let [uf (assoc union-find leader-a [leader-a new-followers])] ;; add the new followers to the 'a group leader'
              (reduce (fn[uf x] (assoc uf x [leader-a []])) uf followers-b))) ;; and change every member of the 'b group' to follow the 'a group leader' instead
          (join union-find b a)))))) ;; but if a's in the smaller group do it the other way round

;; And here's the data from the original maximum-spanning-tree problem

(def cities ["London" "Birmingham" "Sheffield" "Bristol" "Leeds" "Liverpool" "Manchester"])

(def link-costs 
   ["London" "Birmingham" 103]
   ["London" "Sheffield"  167]
   ["London" "Leeds" 175]
   ["London" "Bristol" 100]
   ["London" "Liverpool" 178]
   ["London" "Manchester" 181]

   ["Birmingham" "Sheffield"  91]
   ["Birmingham" "Leeds" 92 ]
   ["Birmingham" "Bristol" 79 ]
   ["Birmingham" "Liverpool" 75 ]
   ["Birmingham" "Manchester" 95]

   ["Sheffield" "Bristol" 180]
   ["Sheffield" "Leeds" 33]
   ["Sheffield" "Liverpool" 63]
   ["Sheffield" "Manchester" 37]

   ["Bristol" "Leeds" 171]
   ["Bristol" "Liverpool" 136]
   ["Bristol" "Manchester" 139]

   ["Leeds" "Liverpool" 73]
   ["Leeds" "Manchester" 40]

   ["Liverpool" "Manchester" 27]])

;; Kruskal's Algorithm Again:

;; Order the links by cost
(def links (sort-by (fn[[_ _ b]] b) link-costs))

;; And construct an initial partition of the cities
(def city-uf (make-union-find cities))

;; Kruskal has told us that should go through our list of links in cost order, building
;; only those links which link unlinked things

;; This function takes the partition so far, and the current partially constructed spanning tree
;; and adds a new link to the tree it is building
;; if and only if the link helps
(defn add-link [[uf tree] link]
  (let [a (first link)
        b (second link)]
    (if (joined? uf a b) 
      [uf tree]
      [(join uf a b) (cons link tree)])))

;; By the Power of Kruskal and by that of Union-Find:

(reduce + (map (fn[[_ _ x]] x) (second (reduce add-link [city-uf '()] links)))) ;-> 351
(reduce + (map (fn[[_ _ x]] x) (second (reduce add-link [city-uf '()] (reverse links))))) ;-> 988

;; Well, they are surely the same answers as before. 

;; How about performance?

(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 10)) '()] (take 10 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 10) (rand-int 10) (rand-int 10))))))) 
"Elapsed time: 3.388981 msecs"
(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 100)) '()] (take 100 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 100) (rand-int 100) (rand-int 100))))))) 
"Elapsed time: 15.278055 msecs"
(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 1000)) '()] (take 1000 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 1000) (rand-int 1000) (rand-int 1000))))))) 
"Elapsed time: 96.710761 msecs"
(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 10000)) '()] (take 10000 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 10000) (rand-int 10000) (rand-int 10000))))))) 
"Elapsed time: 978.454873 msecs"
(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 100000)) '()] (take 100000 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 100000) (rand-int 100000) (rand-int 100000))))))) 
"Elapsed time: 15033.289079 msecs"

;; So far we're looking pretty linear, as I was expecting, but suddenly:

(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 200000)) '()] (take 200000 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 200000) (rand-int 200000) (rand-int 200000)))))))
"Elapsed time: 129027.687251 msecs"
(time (reduce add-link [(make-union-find (range 0 1000000)) '()] (take 1000000 (repeatedly (fn[] (list (rand-int 1000000) (rand-int 1000000) (rand-int 1000000)))))))
"Elapsed time: 500747.749151 msecs"

;; Not sure what happened there! Anyone know?


  1. Thanks for sharing your code !
    Did you know about ?


    1. B. Thanks!

      Actually I did know about it (in fact I've linked to it in a previous post) but I haven't tried it yet. I want to understand how these things work and the best way is to write one yourself. I intend to make further posts about the lazy-union strategy, if I don't get distracted. I can't imagine anyone's going to be reading them, but I like writing them and it helps get the ideas clear in my mind if I try to explain them to an imaginary readership.

